05 June, 2007

Most of Ohio’s Seniors FAIL Graduation Test

Having just graduated high school myself, I was shocked when I noticed this story floating around the internet. Living in Michigan, I am used to the poor socio-economic conditions of the ailing state exacerbated by the struggling auto industry, upon which Michigan's economy is largely based – and the subsequent suffering of our schools. And Detroit's public schools aren't exactly a very good role model. But what's with Ohio?!

Let me quote a part of the article:

Nearly three-quarters of the public high school seniors who took the high-stakes Ohio Graduation Test in March failed at least one part of the test and will be denied a diploma next month, according to state data released yesterday.

Statewide, 12,387 high school seniors took the Ohio Graduation Test in March. It was the last chance for the class of 2007 to pass all five sections of the high school exit exam before the traditional commencement this year.

Of those who took the test, 8,956 - more than 72 percent - failed one or more sections they took.

It goes on to mention that these same students have been retaking the same test since they were sophomores - at least those that didn't pass the first time. I would like to know how exactly Ohio's school system can't pass their own students through their own tests – after "teaching" them for four years.

I'll post more information and commentary later – for now, you can read the whole article for yourself here: http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070523/NEWS04/705230397 .

I can't imagine spending four years of my life trusting the state to educate me and then being told that I can't graduate – due to their poor tutelage (C'mon! 70% of Ohio's students can't be slack offs!).

Comments, anyone?

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